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Leah and Lorraine, two of our Catechists at a training day with the Bishop

Liturgical & Parish Ministries

It is easy to think when we turn up for Mass and leave straight away afterwards that “things just happen” behind the scenes because everything looks like it is running smoothly. You would not believe, however, the number of different roles that need to be filled to keep the spiritual and the fabric side of the parish working effectively. We are always glad to have extra help and invite you to think prayerfully to see if there is any way in which you could contribute to some of the vital work that needs to be done. Some of the ministries include……

Altar linen care & washing –  There is a small group of people who care for the cleaning of the Altar linen.   This involves washing and ironing the purificators that are used for wiping the sacred vessels during communion and the towels that are used on the altar by Father Anthony and the Eucharistic Ministers for washing their hands. There are liturgical guidelines which explain how the linen should be washed and pressed.

Click here for video

Catechists – Our Catechists have a key role in supporting and instructing our young people in “the way of the Lord." both by word and example. Their work is carried out primarily through our First Holy Communion and Confirmation Programmes. They also support catechumens and candidates engaged in our RCIA sessions.

Charities -  Among the charities that we support are CAFOD, Mary’s Meals, Missio, SVP and Aid to the Church in Need. The work involved can be anything from receiving and distributing appeal information and collection boxes at Mass to organising fund raising events.

Choir – at 11am mass and on most Feast Days, the music will be led by the organist and the choir. New members are always welcome.

Cleaners -  We all know that “cleanliness is next to Godliness” so if you can spare a few hours each month to join our team of cleaners who try to help keep our church spick and span it would be greatly appreciated.

Counters – Counters total up and log any monies from the week’s collection and pass on the information to the Finance Team. It takes about an hour (with the aid of an electronic coin sorting machine). Counting takes about one duty per month after the 11am Mass.

Eucharistic Ministers (Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion or EMHCs) - Eucharistic Ministers have the special responsibility of helping the clergy to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ either during a Mass or Eucharistic Service or by taking the Blessed Sacrament to the housebound or sick. Unlike other ministries, EMHCs are invited to the ministry rather than volunteer (a decision made by the Bishop). Those invited to become new Eucharistic ministers are required to participate in a preparation session at Our Lady & St. Joseph’s run by Father Anthony.

Gardeners -  Our worship environment is a vital part of the church and much work has been put into making the gardens and flower beds round the church a joy to behold. Extra help is always appreciated.

Greeters - The Greeter welcomes regular members and visitors with a smile or handshake as they arrive in the doors. They hand them a Red Redemptorist Mass leaflet containing the text of the readings and psalm, the collect, Gospel acclamation, prayers and antiphons. Greeters are on hand to answer any questions or pass the visitor on to someone else “in the know”

Maintenance - You wouldn’t believe the things that go wrong, break and generally malfunction in a parish like ours, from light bulbs to leaking roofs. If you’re generally skilled in maintenance and repair, and would like a chance to put those abilities to use in service of God and the Church, then please let us know.  We always appreciate having extra help available.

Ministers of the Word ( Readers) - Reading at Mass is an essential Lay Ministry through which the Word of God is proclaimed to the congregation. Any member of the congregation can become a Reader, there is no upper or lower age limit, although an understanding of the reading is necessary. Following a training session with Father Anthony, new readers would be included on the next rota, scheduling them to read once every few weeks. Readers need to have a good, clear voice which can be projected, with the aid of a microphone, to the back of the church

Parish Council -The Parish Council exists to help the parish to be run for the good of all. The Parish council will discuss the matters that you raise, and feed the results of those discussions back to you. We welcome new members who could bring as many areas of expertise as possible. The council meets at approximately bi-monthly interval.

Repository – The Repository, our Parish Shop, hold a selection of items for sale, available after all Masses. All the items are ordered and displayed by a small team. It is sometimes very busy – so, many hands make light work!

Sacristan - The sacristan is a volunteer who has care for the maintenance and preparation of the altar, altar vessels, candles and other communion consumables The Sacristan ensures that all Liturgical services, are correctly prepared and perfect. It is necessary to keep stock of all that is needed for every service and to order everything that is required, in good time.

Servers – Servers are volunteer members of the church. Their duties include serving the Priest in the Sanctuary during Mass, carrying the processional cross and acolyte candles during processions.

Ushers – The Ushers arrive at least 30 minutes before the service, greet people as they arrive at church, give out information, escort worshippers to their seat, when required. Thy organise the offertory – taking the collection and inviting a small group of worshippers to bring the gifts to the altar in preparation for the Liturgy of the Sacrament. They also tidy up the church chairs, hymnals and service guides following Mass.

Steward of the Gospel -these volunteers use their talents to work closely with clergy, parishes and schools as part of the diocesan planning process. Appointed in each parish, a Steward will, with local clergy and parishioners, assess the resources available in the parish and locally to maximise the opportunities for evangelisation and sacramental provision. He or she will encourage discussion and be an advocate for their fellow parishioners, communicating their ideas, thoughts and concerns to the Diocesan Strategic Planning Group.

 Please see Father Anthony if you would like to find out more about how you can contribute to the life of our parish or click on the link below