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Our Lady and St Joseph RC church 14th January 2021 Dear Friends A heartfelt thank you for your precious donation of £652.00. Your generous support will help to transform the lives of more than 43,000 children living in Bong County, Liberia. As part of our Double The Love appeal, your kindness will have twice the impact. Until 31 January 2021, public donations made to our appeal will be matched by the UK government, up to £2 million. Mary’s Meals serves nutritious meals to children at school, giving them the energy to learn and the opportunity to gain an education that can one day be their ladder out of poverty. Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, we are determined that our work won’t stop. We are continuing to safely distribute meals to children at school where possible, or at home for those who are not yet able to return to the classroom. Your gift will be used to help change more young lives, like eight-year-old Massa from Liberia. The promise of a daily meal at Vorkor Public School gives her a chance to enjoy her childhood and hope for a better future. She said: “The food I eat at school makes me feel good and happy and helps me to concentrate in class. It also helps my mother as she finds it hard to find food for us all to eat.” Together, we are bringing the hope of a brighter future to so many children. I thank you, with all my heart, on behalf of the children who eat Mary’s Meals. Yours sincerely,
Daniel Adams UK Executive Director, Mary's Meals ++++++++++++
Mary's Meals is a charity set up to provide children with a
daily meal in their place of education in the poorest parts of our world.
Currently they are feeding over a million children. It cost £15.90 to feed a
child for a year! In our parish we are supporting the charity with our
Christmas appeal of 'setting a place at the table for Christmas' and our Mary's
Meals penny jars. Last year we raised enough to feed 100 children for a year. Every child deserves an education – and enough to eat. Our vision is that every child receives one daily meal in
their place of education and that all those who have more than they need, share
with those who lack even the most basic things. Working together with those who share our vision, we believe
there is no good reason why this cannot be realised. These life-changing meals attract hungry children into the
classroom. The food fills their empty bellies so they have the energy and
opportunity to learn, giving them the chance of a brighter future. The meals
also support families struggling to feed their children while boosting the
country’s wider economy. Our school feeding programmes are owned and run by community
volunteers in the countries where we provide food. For example, there are over
80,000 volunteers in Malawi who take turns to prepare, cook and serve the daily
meal in each school. School feeding committees – made up of parents, teachers and
volunteers – are crucial to our work and one of the first things to be
established in any new area receiving Mary’s Meals. Our monitors work closely with these committees. They
regularly visit schools to ensure the precious ingredients we provide are
cooked and served correctly and to offer training and encouragement to the
community volunteers. Wherever possible, we serve locally produced food. This
supports the local community and its farmers as well as the wider economy. Research has proven that school feeding has a range of
positive impacts, since children who are not suffering from hunger are able to
make the most of their education. Around 61 million of the world’s hungriest children do not
attend school. In order to survive, they have to work or beg. Even if they do make it into the classroom, hunger affects
their ability to learn. £15.90 is all it costs to feed a child for a whole school year.
A Message from JANET GOONA our Parish Co-ordinator
After many years of fundraising by Gemma Norris and her trusty team, the job of Parish fundraiser for Mary' meals has passed to me. In the strange times that we live the usual coin collections via the 'blue jars' will not be possible so I would ask that if you wish to keep monies aside for this worthy cause, you make one donation in note form please anytime from now until the final collecting day which will be 31st December 2020. At this time I will make a total donation to Mary's meals on behalf of our parish community.
I hope you understand that like so many things in life today this activity has to be done differently but the need around this country and the world is greater than ever so please be as generous as you have always been.
£15.90 is all it costs to feed a
child for a whole school year.
Please pass on any donations to me directly in an envelope with your details or pass it on in an envelope via the collection plate clearly marked Marys Meals
Marys Meals Donation Form
Marys Meals Gift Aid Form
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